Every time we greet a new year, I find myself thinking how much things have changed technology-wise since the 1960s when I was a little lad growing up in Sheffield, England.


Take telephones, for example. As Christmas grew closer, my aunt, who lived round the corner, would come to our house, then she and my mom would attempt to call one of the aunts in Canada. This involved calling the local operator in Sheffield, who would transfer them to the international operator in London, who would connect to the international operator in Canada, who would transfer to the local operator in Edmonton, Alberta, who would attempt to call the aunt in question.


If the aunt was out, it was “game over” (voicemail didn’t arrive until the late 1970s). Even if the aunt was in, this wasn’t “The Call.” This was just to arrange a day and time the following week. On that day, we would gather the clan in England, they would gather the clan in Canada, then we would all shout “Happy Christmas” to each other. It wasn’t until circa 1971 that it became possible to direct-dial international calls.


Today, by comparison, my dear old mom is armed with a smartphone with which she can call me 24/7 (“Oh, I’m sorry dear, I forgot we are six hours ahead of you. It’s 9:00 o’clock in the morning here, what are you doing now?”).


Technological innovations are coming faster and faster. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings. Whatever comes our way, all of us at DENA will be here to tell you all about it!