Securing data at rest (DAR) in a zero trust architecture (ZTA) is important to preventing cyberattacks and keeping information safe. DIGISTOR is a leading provider of secure DAR storage solutions. The creators of secure systems use DIGISTOR’s Citadel C Series self-encrypting drives (SEDs) to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data in laptops, desktops, and other endpoint devices.

Now, DIGISTOR has announced that the pre-boot authentication (PBA) portion of its Citadel C Series SSDs (powered by Cigent) is listed on the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria Products in Evaluation List. NIAP is responsible for the US implementation of the international Common Criteria set of data security standards. The evaluation and full NIAP listing for the Cigent PBA is expected later this year. This means the Citadel C Series secure SSDs will have both NIAP-listed SSDs and PBA, making it perfect for critical infrastructure companies, industry, and military and government agencies requiring the highest data security levels.