Sensors have always played a vital role in communication applications by collecting information from various sources. By integrating microprocessors with the sensors to create smart sensors, the collection and transmission of real-time data are more efficient and accurate than ever.

Contrary to how it may seem, the world does not run on data. The world runs on how data is produced and transmitted between the creator and the receiver. In other words, the application of data communication is what enhances our lives. And with the ever-increasing pace of change, shortening the time from data collection, processing, and response has never been more critical.

This desire for more efficient communication has transitioned the industry from discrete data collection, processing, and actuation to smart sensors that integrate the processing step into the data collection device. Smart sensors transform communication in several ways, explained below.

Efficient and accurate communication

The most apparent way smart sensors enhance communication is by increasing data transmission efficiency. With embedded processing, there is less physical travel distance with fewer interconnections in the transmission circuit.

Another benefit is improved data accuracy. The sensors read and detect inefficiencies like noise and interference while monitoring signal strength. They can delineate undesired characteristics to allow communication devices to maintain stable, accurate connections with lower data loss. This benefit enhances data accuracy along with network efficiency.

Data security

Increased amounts of data raise the likelihood of a security breach. Sensors’ continuous data collection enables near real-time performance monitoring, quickly alerting engineers to a potential issue. Many current internet of things (IoT) sensors also can encrypt network traffic, which adds a protective layer to data communication to protect sensitive data transmission.

Another way to ensure data security is by employing IEEE-compliant sensors. 

The IEEE has adopted four IoT sensor standards to define acceptable communication interface geometry, performance, cyber/physical interfaces for virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR), and medical device specifications.

Integrated communication channels

Smart technology and the IoT aims to connect systems (and industries) together. Sensors, in particular, are essential for the seamless integration and data exchange of communication technologies like wireless networks, satellite communications, and IoT devices. They collect data from the surroundings, organize it, and transmit it to other channels for seamless transmission.

To ensure these channels communicate properly, sensors can:

• Help to manage frequency allocations

• Utilize the optimal segment of the frequency spectrum

• Reduce interference, a benefit that helps the channels “fit” together well

• Improve precision and accuracy of positioning and tracking in satellite communications

Communication protocols

One way these channels achieve smooth integration is through communication protocols, of which there are three primary types:

1) Network management

2) Network communication

3) Network security

These protocols include transmission control protocol (TCP), internet protocol (IP), and the combination of these two (TCP/IP) to connect network devices. This combination is the most common protocol connecting the networks together.

Other communication procedures exist, such as hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and its secure (encrypted) counterpart HTTPS, post office protocol (POP), simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), and file transfer protocol (FTP) to share various data forms.

HTTP transfers text between two or multiple systems. It establishes the connection between the data sender and receiver and sends the data once the receiving server acknowledges the send request.

POP (POP3 being the most recent) allows a user to receive an email, regardless of platform, and SMTP is its analogous send-mail protocol. FTP allows the implementation of file transfer between machines. This protocol benefits large data transfers that may not be permitted over email.

Smart, adaptive communication

Dynamic reaction is where smart sensors excel. They enable intelligent and adaptive communication implementation by adjusting frequency, power, and modulation based on the ambient conditions the sensors observe and user requirements.

An example of this dynamic response is automatically switching a wireless data transmission path to a less congested one to improve performance and signal quality. Another application is that the sensors could dictate a change to a satellite’s position due to deteriorating weather conditions that would reduce the performance.

Engineers can equip the sensors with clear guidance on the optimal state and variables available for adjustment to enhance data communication. Defining these elements lets the technology iterate to a converged optimum much faster than a human operator could. 

Enhanced user experience

Finally, the enhanced capability of smart sensors enhances user experience through advanced communication features like gesture recognition, voice commands, proximity sensing, and ambient light adjustment.

These features allow the user to interact with technology more naturally. In doing so, the technology becomes part of the environment and lets the user interact with it in the way they are most familiar with.

Voice commands allow the user to talk to their device, and proximity sensing can brighten or dim a screen depending on the ambient lighting it senses. Proximity sensors can optimize battery life through adaptive dimming and enable facial recognition to enhance security without time-consuming multi-factor authentication (MFA) steps.


Smart sensors are a powerful and robust method to collect and analyze data. They are the connective tissue of the IoT, enabling data communications between the user and technology and between systems themselves.

Leveraging IEEE standard sensors and communication protocols already in place will accelerate IoT utility, further connecting systems and integrating this transformative technology into our daily lives.

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